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Teach Kids Confidence Workshops!
In a world where courtesy is rare and good role models hard to find, teaching children respect is the most important and enduring job parents have. Even so, most North American adults, parents, and teachers are stressed and can barely keep up with their work and home responsibilities, never mind the extra pressure of teaching children respect.

There is some good news...between the ages of 2-5 children are most receptive to learning manners and some experts suggest that because children at that age learn a lot from modeling, parents can foster civility simply by exhibiting good manners themselves. Beyond age 5, even 10 minutes a day focused on talking about why polite behaviors are important (e.g., setting the table, putting away your toys) and showing children how to be polite can have a dramatic impact. Teaching children that there are rules for social conduct gives them social skills that will benefit them throughout their life. Remember, manners are not just about which fork to use, they are about fostering respectfulness and teaching responsibility.

Cool, Courteous & Confident

This vital program for ages 12-15 covers the steps to gaining confidence, setting goals, problem solving, asserting yourself with ease, confident language, social IQ, courteous communication, dress and decorum, special event etiquette, invitations and correspondence, social etiquette, and dining etiquette.

It provides your child with the tools to feel confident in any situation.
Only $99 Buy Now...
Cool, Courteous & Confident
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Kit Includes Instructors Manual, Masters and Children's Handbook.
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